Townsend's Warbler in Bird Bath


Providing Water and Food for Summer Birds

Here in the Rio Grande Valley, the heat can take a real toll on birds and other wildlife. So in addition to our feeding tips for attracting the greatest variety of birds, it's important to provide a source of fresh water, if you're able. 

Summer feeding also means dealing with things like ants in your nectar feeders, grackles hogging your seed, and the like.

Our friendly Certified Birdfeeding Specialists™ are happy to chat with you about how to problem-solve and create a backyard birding haven that both you and our spectacular RGV birds will want to spend time in. Some general tips follow.


Water Sources

In-store only, we carry a range of quality bird baths and fountains that will also beautify your yard. Come check them out!


Tattersall Glazed Riviera Blue Bird Bath


Bird baths come in many shapes, sizes and materials, and they can be placed on the ground, pedestal-mounted or hung.

1. Concrete baths are often the centerpieces of well-manicured landscapes. These baths are difficult to relocate because of their weight, and they can become a permanent decorative element in your yard.

2. Ceramic bath styles can range from simple to very decorative. Their light-weight design makes them easy to relocate about the yard and to clean.

3. Plastic and metal baths are light, versatile and able to be easily moved about your yard.

4. Fountains provide moving water, which attracts even more birds and keeps mosquitoes from breeding in the water.

Wild Birds Unlimited Water Wiggler

Our Water Wiggler™ is an easy way to add motion to any bird bath! Available to order online and battery-operated, just set it inside your bird bath to create ripples and help prevent mosquitoes.



Place your bath 10 to 12 feet from shrubs so predators can’t surprise the birds. Shrubs also offer birds a place to preen their feathers and dry off.


Water Depth

Birds prefer to bathe and drink in different depths of water. Use a bath with a sloped edge or add stones to vary the depth so birds can bathe comfortably.



Regular refilling and cleaning will help reduce algae and is good for your birds’ health. See our cleaning page for instructions.



Summer Feeding Problems

Anna's Hummingbird on Feeder

While summer continues to be a wonderful time to feed the birds, unwanted feeder visitors can be troublesome. But with the proper feeders, food and accessories, you can enjoy your birds and limit these possible problems.


Nectar Feeding Solutions

Our WBU Decorative Window Hummingbird Feeders features a built-in ant moat and are designed to work with our Nectar Guard® tips, preventing bees, wasps and ants from becoming an issue.

Aggressive male hummingbirds can bully others from visiting a feeder. By hanging multiple hummingbird feeders around your yard, you make it difficult for a territorial male to defend the area, allowing other birds to visit the feeders.


Starling and Grackle Solutions

Offer safflower, and keep starlings and grackles from eating all your bird food, crowding your feeders and chasing away the birds you want to see. Safflower is a small, white seed that is high in protein and fat. Most song birds eat safflower, however, starlings, grackles and squirrels typically do not.


WBU Advanced Pole System (APS) Hanging System with Squirrel Baffle

Squirrel Solutions

There are many ways to keep squirrels away from your existing set up.

  1. Switch to safflower. Like starlings and grackles, squirrels typically do not eat this type of seed.
  2. Use one of our squirrel-proof feeders.
  3. Install a baffle. By correctly placing a baffle on your bird feeding set up, you can prevent squirrels from getting to the bird food.