Bird of the Month - Black-crested Titmouse


Meet Our January Bird of the Month, the Black-Crested Titmouse

A dapper little charmer that's resident in the Rio Grande Valley year-round. 

Fun Facts

  • Listen for its “peer peer peer peer” whistles or “tseet” calls.
  • The RGV often sees one of the 3 subspecies, atricristatus, which has dark gray flanks with an olive tint. And if you spot one with a gray crest, it’s likely a hybrid with the Tufted Titmouse.
  • Eats insects, like beetles, flies, and moths, along with seeds, acorns, and berries.
  • Often leads small mixed flocks of woodland birds, such as kinglets and warblers, calling intently to alert the flock to any danger.

Learn more on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology site.


Feeding Tips

  • Often visits feeders.
  • Goes for a wide variety of foods, including sunflower, suet, mealworms, and even fruit, like berries.